There are plenty of home remedies that can give skin the inner nourishment it needs to look good. Here are simple natural ways to get rid of dull skin.
Lemon- Using lemon as cleanser is good way to start a day. Lemons which are rich in vitamin C, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory helps in prevent premature aging from occurring.
Sugar- Exfoliating your skin with sugar is definitely good for dull skin. It helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and promotes re-growth of new skin cells.
Honey- Consists of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties. It can be used as scrubber or mask to brighten up the skin. As the lemon are used as a bleaching agent, honey is used to soothe the skin, leaving it radiant.
Chocolate-Munch or mask it up. Pick the darkest chocolate available in the market. Chocolate are filled with antioxidants that naturally help in healing the skin. By applying it as a mask, the antioxidants in cocoa cleanse the skin, leaving it fresh and healthy which erase the dry and dull skin.
Almond- Packed with moisturising and nourishing properties. It can help in enhancing skin complexion, rejuvenating new and healthy skin.
Coconut oil- Hydrates skin as it helps in keeping your skin from dullness. A healthy dose of moisture in the skin improves its appearance and health.
Strawberries- Packed with vitamin C, rich in fiber and low in sugar, make strawberries the perfect snack of the day. The antioxidant properties keep wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots away while maintaining the skin’s elasticity and suppleness. Regular intake of strawberries either eat it or scrub it which helps in promoting radiant skin.
Yogurt – Contains natural sunscreen and cleansing agent that makes skin silky and smooth.
Lime juice- Just like lemons, lime works as detoxified agents that helps in retaining natural glows and visible radiance of the skin. Possesses antibacterial and antiseptic properties which helps tighten the pores and eliminate the dead skin cells resulting brighter and healthier skin.