Pico laser is highly regarded as one of the most advanced laser treatment in the market. Its high success rate and customer satisfaction percentage at 92% really help made Pico laser a go-to choice for skin rejuvenation.
Premier Clinic is offering the up-to-date Pico laser treatment with the latest machine to ensure our customers have the best experience and get the maximum results for the procedure.
Pico laser uses pico-second concentrated laser energy to generate laser-induced breakdowns (LIOB) in the dermis and epidermis layer. The laser breakdown will destroy the targeted skin cells that cause pigmentation and uneven skin tones whilst causing pressure waves to activate the inflammatory healing response.
The healing response will boost collagen production which will restore skin youthfulness and lifting it up naturally. As a result, Pico laser treatment enables you to have a flawless, lifted, more youthful look. Opposed to the previous ways of laser treatment where intense heat energy was used to burst skin cells, often painful and leave patients with long downtime, Pico laser treatment offers you the possibility of having younger, better-looking skin without all the hassles of long downtime and unnecessary side effects.
The Pico laser is capable of achieving all and more of the things that other more traditional laser treatments can do. It uses focuses beams of light to treat damaged areas on the body.
While acne is a temporary problem and will reduce itself over a short period, it usually leaves a scar that sometimes can be permanent. Worry not as this is a natural body process as the skin would recover naturally after it has been damaged by a wound or injury. The process occurs when the dermis level of the skin is damaged and scars will form on the skin as a result of overproduced collagen fibres.
Acne scars are the products of inflamed lesions. When the follicle, or pore, becomes engorged with dead skin cells, excess oil, and bacteria, it will cause the lesions for your skin. When the pore swells, it caused a break in the follicle wall and if it is near the skin’s surface, the lesion can heal quickly.
To repair the damages, our skin will form new collagen fibres. Collagen is the natural protein that gives the skin its glow and flexibility. However, the finished repair job would never look as smooth and flawless as the skin before the injury, thus causing the scar. Pico laser is the latest laser treatment for acne scars where it will beam high energy light into the targeted area and creates micro-injuries in the epidermis after the treatments. It allows the skin to rejuvenate itself by stimulating the healing process.
Since earlier times, the popular belief is once we get a tattoo, the image or words are there for life. Thanks to the miracle of science, finally we reached the point where lasers were used to remove the tattoos. Tattoo removal is mostly performed using lasers to break down the ink particles in the tattoo into smaller particles. A complete laser tattoo removal requires numerous treatment sessions, typically spaced for several weeks apart. The tattoo will lighten up over time as a result of the procedure. A skilfully done cover-up may render the old tattoo completely invisible, although it is highly depending on the size, style and colours.
Pico laser treatment manipulates incredibly short laser pulses (one trillionth of a second in length), to hit the ink particle beneath the skin with such an intense amount of pressure. The pigment then will shatter into minuscule dust-like particles and absorbed by the immune system before eliminated by the body.
One way that keeps Pico laser treatment on the lips of everybody is the approach. You’ll need fewer sessions due to the unique way the Pico laser ‘shatters’ the ink on your skin. Previously, laser tattoo removal would take on an average of 10 – 20 sessions for a small professional tattoo (up to 5cm sq), whereas 4 – 6 sessions are needed using the Pico laser will be enough to remove your tattoo leaving behind almost no trace. Pico laser tattoo removal would help you save more time (and money) just to get your tattoo removed!
When exposed to the sun, the skin is stimulated to produce a substance known as melanin which protects itself from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Pigmentation occurs when the skin produces too much melanin which is concentrated in a large area which forms dark, visible patches. Although it is harmless, this may be unsightly to some individuals who will seek treatment for it. Pigmentation can also be caused by constant picking at the skin, acne, skin inflammation, hormonal changes or even selected antibiotics or medication.
The skin has its own mechanism to combat harmful UV rays from the sun and produces melanin to protect itself. When the melanin produced is focused in a group of small spots, this leads to the development of grey, brown or black age spots across the skin.
The melanin and pigment particles will break up when the laser is being absorbed by the pigmented lesions. Pico laser uses picosecond pulses to treat skin complexion which means the skin will take a lesser time to heat up and reduces the risk of hyper-pigmentation. The treatments will not only help to rejuvenate skin and tone it, but it also promotes your skin clearer and fresher look.
Pico laser reaches deep into the dermal layer of the skin to boost collagen production. This triggers extensive repair response, releasing more collagen. Collagen have strong water retention abilities, which is very important for skin moisture. It improves the skin look, brightness and overall complexion.
As Pico laser helps to rejuvenate skin through its collagen inducing properties, it helps the skin to regain its elasticity. As collagen increases, the skin tissue strength is also increased. This will enable the pores to return to its original size.
Pico laser uses selective photo-thermolysis that helps to break down pigments in your skin. It helps to lighten the skin in areas that are damaged by frictions or sun. This include your underarm, inner thigh, buttocks, or folds areas. The damaged pigmented cells will then absorbed by your body by time.
Birthmark can be removed using short-pulsed Pico Laser. Birthmark is a collection of heavily pigmented skin cells that clump together. Pico laser helps to break down the pigmented skin cells into smaller particles. This allows your body to absorb and get rid of it slowly. Result from birthmark removal can be seen after 2 weeks.
Patients can see visible results in a short matter of 1 week as the skin peeled off and revealed the new skin underneath. Patients are encouraged to drink a lot of water and keep moisturising as it helps to nourish the new skin with nutrients and speed up the healing process.
Patients also are advised not to swim or doing any water activities as it will increase the rate of infections. Do avoid direct exposure to sunlight and please wear sunblock every time you’re about to leave the house. As your skin healing up, it is very sensitive to intense temperature excessive UV exposure.
Patients can’t expect the treatment to be completely pain-free, where there is some minimal discomfort during the procedure. They can request for a numbing cream from the doctors and nurse in-charge to reduce the tingling sensation. Uses of standard skin care treatment are encouraged to reduce and ease the pain.
There is no known side effect recorded before as the procedure is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment. It works on a specific wavelength by targeting the pigmentation selectively, leaving the surrounding areas undamaged.
As Pico laser treatment doesn’t involve surgery, there is less downtime needed and very fewer risks associated with it.
Pico laser is widely used to treat either skin imperfection or tattoo removal. The same goes to its price. The price for one session of pico laser may vary depending on the problem. It is estimated to cost around RM 900 to RM 5,000.
In Premier Clinic, the cost for pico laser treatment to treat skin imperfections about RM 1,500 onwards whilst for tattoo removal is around RM 600 onwards. For tattoo removal, the cost for a single session of pico laser will depend on the size, colour density and pigments of the tattoo.
Combination of our doctor’s skills and pico laser short-pulse technology, you no longer have to worry about damaging your skin from getting too hot which may cause pain, redness and extensive downtime.
Premier Clinic uses the latest technology of PICO LASER in Malaysia to help ensure a better result and the best satisfaction. We are also providing a medical and aesthetic consultation for patients who are having concerns and problems with our expert doctors. All procedures are performed by our highly skilled, trained doctors. Our prices are very competitive and we provide the best solutions available in the market.
Alternatively, you may come to any of our clinics in Bangsar, TTDI, Mont Kiara, Puchong and KL City to make an appointment. Please contact us for further information:
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/60126625552
Call: +6012-662-5552 (Malay/English)
Call: +6012-773-2074 (Chinese speaking)
Email: contactus@premier-clinic.com
Up to date, there are no procedures that can completely make a scar disappear completely and restore the skin to the condition it was before the scar. However, Pico laser is the closest you can get to return to your original skin condition by reducing the scar effects and make it less noticeable. Pico laser works best on flat scars. Keloid and hypertrophic scars, however, need a different kind of treatments.
You can see an immediate effect after the first session. Your skin will experience some redness and dead skin cells will fall out slowly afterwards, revealing a truly beautiful skin underneath.
Pico laser treatment is completely safe! There are no side effects or dietary commitment after the treatment so you can kiss your worries (and your scar) goodbye!
Pico Laser treatment is not painful. Patients often described the treatments as a short series of hot spots on their skin.
The number of Pico laser treatments for scars varies depending on the condition being treated and how each individual skin responds to the treatment.
The number of treatments for scar removal is largely dependent on the clinical condition being addressed but 2-5 treatments are common. Our doctor will be able to provide you with a personalized plan after the consultation.
Tattoo removal and acne scar results are permanent. Skin revitalization treatment results are long-lasting, but some pigment conditions can be recurrent. Some patients find that a PicoSure treatment every six months can help prevent the accumulation of pigment and slow the appearance of wrinkles.
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