There are two types of vitiligo skin condition, namely non-segmental and segmental. Among these two types, non-segmental vitiligo is the most common one. Non-segmental will appear on both sides of your body as symmetrical white patches. The appearance of vitiligo can be seen on skin that commonly exposed to the sun such as face, neck, arms, feet and hands. The development of non-segmental type will slower if the patches only grow in one area only.
Non-segmental vitiligo can be sub-categorised into 5 types which affected different areas.

This category of vitiligo doesn’t affect any specific area. The patches are visible at any part of the body.

It mostly appears on the finger and toes.

This appears mostly around the mucous membranes and lips.

It is rare but when it happens, it will cover most of the body.

The patches develop at the scattered area.
While segmental vitiligo occurs much less compared to the non-segmental type. It spreads more rapidly and the patches only affect one area of the body which likely area of skin attached to nerves arising in the dorsal roots of the spine. It is known to be more constant, stable and less erratic than the non-segmental type.