Have you ever noticed how it is harder to slim down some parts of your body compared to others? This is due to the accumulation of ‘stubborn fat’ or subcutaneous fat in that area. Subcutaneous fat is harder to lose (thus the name ‘stubborn’) compared to visceral fat and intramuscular fat. According to a Harvard’s research, about 90% of body fat is subcutaneous, whereas only 10% is made up of visceral fat.
The difference between these 2 are subcutaneous fat are visible under the skin whereas visceral fat is far beneath the muscles. Aside from that, it is more difficult to get rid of stubborn fat compared to visceral fat.
Generally, for women the stubborn fat can be found around thighs, abs, and buttock whereas for men it can be found around the waist area, otherwise known as the love handle. Stubborn fat also often referred to as belly fat, because of this.
There are some sportmen who are famously trying to lose weight but still stuck at a phase, like Charles Barkley, Mike Tyson, and Diego Maradona.