There are two kinds of birthmark, which have diverse causes. Vascular (vein) birthmarks happens when veins don’t frame effectively — either there are such a large number of them or they’re more extensive than expected. Pigmented birthmarks is brought about by an excess of the cells that make shade (shading) in skin.
Vascular Birthmarks
The common birthmarks are macular stains, hemangiomas, and port-wine stains:

Macular stains (salmon patches): kisses by angels, or stork nibbles, these swoon red imprints are the most widely recognized sort of vascular birthmarks. They’re frequently on the eyelids, the back of the neck, or on the nose, upper lip, or on the back of the head.

Hemangiomas: Hemangiomas are delegated as superficial when they show up on the outside of the skin (“strawberry mark”) and profound when discovered further underneath the skin’s surface. Hemangiomas develop quickly amid the initial a half year or so of life, yet typically contract back and vanish when children’s 5 to 10 years of age.

Port-wine stains: Port-wine stains are brought about by an irregular arrangement of little veins under the skin. They can happen anyplace on the body yet are frequently found on the face and neck. Port-wine stains may begin as pink or red and turn dull red or purple.
Pigmented Birthmarks
These pigmented birthmarks occur when more pigment is in skin from the other part of the skin. Types of pigmented birthmarks:

Moles: Moles in color of pink to light brown or in black. Birthmarks on face or any other part size change sometimes flat or may be raised. Moles always round in shape. Moles can be occurring on any part of the body.

Café au lait spots: Somehow Oval in shape. In French translation it is called ‘’coffee with milk’’. As much skin is darker it will be darker. They are mostly brown in color. They can appear in any stage of life of early life.

Mongolian blue spots: They are mostly occurring in naturally dark skin people. When it is brushing then can be harmful but otherwise it is not painful. They appear on the buttocks and lower back.