Hormones are our body’s chemical messengers that carry messages between cells and organs. It is produced by endocrine system specifically at the endocrine glands. Hormones play major roles in the body’s system as it regulates heart rate, body metabolism, appetite, mood, sexual function, reproduction, growth and development, and also sleep cycles. It travels through the bloodstream to tissues and organs which consistently help our body to thrive.
When the production of hormones are being disturbed by other factors, where the level of hormones becomes too high or too low, it can have a big impact on your health and well-being. Hormonal imbalances may happen anytime regardless of age and gender and may cause health problems that require ongoing medical treatment.
Bioidentical hormone is an identical chemical structure containing progesterone and estrogen. This hormone is used to treat symptoms of menopause in women. They are produced and synthesised from a plant chemical extracted from yams and soy. It is proven to be safer and more effective than other approved hormones.