Experts agree to the fact that the main cause of excessive hair growth in men and women is the hormonal imbalance. They are of the view that androgen levels in the body increase at the stage of puberty. This disturbance in the level of hormone causes excessive hair growth. Some of the most common causes of excessive hair on their bodies are:

Imbalance of Sex Hormones
The major cause of excess hair on the unwanted parts of the male and female human bodies is the imbalance of sex hormone. This symptom usually appears when teenagers reach puberty. The imbalance in sex hormone may also cause obesity, infertility, and other sex related problems.

Exposure to Cortisol
Formation of excessive hair on the human bodies also may be caused by continuous exposure to cortisol. Cortisol, a form of hormone which is produced in excess by adrenal glands in the body. Certain medication may also increase the production of cortisol thereby resulting in excessive hair.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Hirsutism may be caused by heredity, as it can be inherited from one generation to the next generation. It can be passed to the next generation through steroid hormones inherited from the ancestor. Steroid hormone controls the production of androgen and cortisol in the body. Any imbalance in these hormones may result in excessive hair growth.

Above all, the most common cause of excess hair on the unwanted body parts are the medications taken for treatment of various diseases. Most of the anti-depression medicines cause hirsutism in men and women.