Active pimples are an annoyance to most teenagers and young adults. And not only that, acne tends to leave unsightly pockmarks and icepick scars on the face which persists for the entire life.
Acne can be treated with the right combination of oral antibiotics and anti-acne creams, besides the use of good quality ance-specific skincare and proper facial hygiene.
Unfortunately, many Malaysians do not get their acne treated early and aggressively enough, leaving nasty scars which mars their beauty and good looks.
Fortunately for us, aesthetic clinics such as Premier Clinic in Bangsar and Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur offers laser treatment to reduce the appearance of unsightly acne scars. Whilst any doctors and clinics cannot promise that there would be perfect results with complete resolution of the acne scars, many doctors can at least say there would be some degree of improvement, the results which differ from individual to individual. How much your acne scar improves depend on a big variety of factors, including your genetics, your age and your lifestyle.
Premier Clinic’s Dr Elaine Chong, Dr Aarthi Maria and Dr Kee Yong Seng attended to a number of volunteers including Miss Lily, Mr Roy, Khairul, Jin Ong and Nizar who had their acne scars and irregular skin surface treated with our latest Fotona Spectro laser. The laser fires multiple Fractional Erbium YAG laser beams to cover the entire face inclusive of the areas with acne scar to stimulate collagen production. This in turn helps to even out acne scars and irregular skin texture and large pores over time. 6 sessions are recommended for better results, performed once every month.
To find out more about our skin resurfacing laser for acne scar and rough skin texture, visit here.
Call us at 012-6625552 for more info, or email us at for details.