Blogger Clarissa is keen to have a skin refining laser done by our Premier Clinic aesthetic doctor, Dr Elaine Chong. Clarissa knows that the skin refining laser is a laser which helps to maintain youthful looks by stimulating collagen production.
The Fotona Spectro laser machine utilizes Fractional Erbium YAG laser beams to create controlled minute damages to the top layer of the skin. This damage is actually a good thing, as it stimulates our own body to repair the skin ‘injured’ by the laser.
The end result is diminished fine lines and wrinkles, smaller pore size and tighter skin. The refining laser setting is different from those who prefer a stronger and more aggressive rejuvenation setting. This is an excellent choice for those who prefer minimal or lesser downtime and discomfort.
Dr Elaine Chong performed this simple procedure on Miss Clarissa today, with minimal pain and redness. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes for the actual laser. This can be repeated monthly for the best results.