We had another Biofibre hair implant session at Premier Clinic performed by Dr Elaine Chong on 11 September 2014 on our volunteer. A hundred grafts of Biofibre hair was done within an hour for a gentleman who had some hair loss over the crown of his head.
Biofibre is a kind of synthetic fibre which is biocompatible with the human body. Biocompatible means that it does not elicit much foreign tissue reaction or rejection as it is compatible to our body. Biofibre hairs look and feels just like our own hair. It comes in different lengths and colour. We even have the option of implanting straight or curly hair. Biofibre hairs are resilient and can be washed and blown dry just like our own natural hair.
Our doctors including Dr Elaine Chong are trained and experienced in planting Biofibre hair without causing much side effects or downtime. Special devices are used to implant the hairs into the scalp without causing much trauma to the surrounding tissue.
After the procedure, the client has to follow specific instructions on how to clean the hair with gentle shampoos. Around 10% of the implanted hairs will fall off by itself every year. The results last for up to 5 years. More implants can be performed anytime to replace the hairs which has dropped off.