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Premier Clinic – Trusted by Celebrities

💜🤍💜 天生上半身比较短的我都显得腰很粗,是我最大的困扰! 前阵子看到了这一家有做Fat freezing treatment,决定尝试一下。最让我惊讶的是,才做了一次就看到了效果!当然中间是有修复期的,我的修复期是两个星期。
Stella Cheah
National Athlete

我的双下巴 Doubla Chin 终于离家出走了!😆 很开心轮廓线条明显了许多🥰 预祝我越来越美吧! 找到了 Premier Clinic 推荐的”MESOLIPO FAT MELTING SLIMMING INJECTION TREATMENT “ 双下巴溶脂 过程完全不痛 而且速度和手法很专业。

终于体验到我一直很想做的「吸血鬼疗程 PRP」🧛‍♀️🩸 身边朋友都问我痛吗 对我来说疼痛感大概只有半颗星吧~就真的一点也都不痛啊🤪 亲自体验过后我真的想跟你们说效果超好👍🏻 我的毛孔变小了,而且整张脸都变得比较有气色➕红润了,真的很开心😍 如果你们有兴趣可以去这家医美诊所 Premier Clinic 我的医生Dr Foo的技术真的超好!人也很nice!价格也合理!良心推荐给你们❤️❤️❤️
Steph Wong
Singer, Emcee, Content Creator

我遇到了救星 Premier Clinic 针对我的脱发问题做了PRP 自体血清治头皮治疗(hair prp treatment) & 生发雷射 (Premier Signature Hair Growth Laser) — 刺激不活跃的毛囊长出新的头发,以替代脱落的头发,并让发根变得强韧。同时随着新皮肤组织的增生,头皮也会慢慢变得健康。
Social Media Influencer

这次做的PRP treatment~ 是利用自身的血液抽出血小板和纤维蛋白,再重新注入自己的皮肤里~ 主要功效➡️ 可以促进新细胞的生成和胶原蛋白的形成‼️ 没做过的朋友可能会觉得很恐怖, 我之前第一次在韩国做的时候也这么觉得!🥹 但后面看到效果(皮肤变得更嫩滑!)就觉得都是值得的!
Angeline 安小本安 🐣
Video Creator

我抱着试试看的心态 观察1天… 2天… 3天… 一开始可能是心理作用 觉得诶好像有多了 观察1星期… 2星期… 3星期… 真的耶 拍摄电视台节目时 把头发盘起来也没问题了 不用担心秃头了 😍😍
Alice Lee Zi Ying 籽瑩
TV Host, DJ, Emcee

这次在 Premier Clinic 选择的项目是大腿内侧的冷冻瘦身技术 ,第一次体验感觉就是冰凉 简直就是懒人的一个瘦身法子,局部那个部位想要瘦都可以通过他们的技术 😍 真的太棒了!

Thank you Premier clinic for the Clatuu Treatment! 😍 I was actually struggling to remove my stubborn fat although I do exercise a lot, but I eat a lot of DESSERTS at the same time as well and some part of my body fat is really hard to be removed, so I’ve choose this treatment called Clatuu Fat Freezing which no needle required and 0 downtown time. Just perfect for me and pain free! 😌 If you guys have any inquiries you guys can just reach them.
Reina Nana
Public Figure, Social Media Influencer

Bali回來後迫不及待再去 Premier Clinic 做PicoLaser 效果真得很好 有雀斑、黑色素護膚的朋友們一次你可以看到改善🥹 越做越愛了 !
Lim Mei Yee 林美瑜
Public Figure, Social Media Influencer

如果你问我最不满意身上那个部位的话 那应该就是我的脚上的疤痕 以前甚至是不敢穿短裙 短裤 还害怕以后男朋友会不会嫌弃 但是我想告诉姐妹们 爱你的男人是不会嫌弃你的 幸好现在科技发达 还有镭射这玩意 可以帮助我们淡化疤痕
Host, Content Creator

因为肌肤经常都不稳定, 时而暗沉, 时而敏感, 时而爆痘, 也因爆痘留下痘印。🫠 但幸运的是,科技可以解决 😊 他们家的皮秒镭射, 不仅可以解决我的皮肤问题, 且还间接提高了自信, 重点是, 一点也不疼 🥹🥹🥹 Dr Foo 经验丰富,而且 很 温 柔 😌
Evsa Oon
Personal Trainer

两个星期前到了 Premier Clinic 体验化学换肤治疗(Chemical Skin Peel)🥹♥ 今天终于可以来验收成果啦! 9月换了新环境开启新里程,每一天虽然非常充实,但休息时间自然也减少😭 导致脸部冒痘、肤色暗沉、恶劣毛孔肤质统统都来报道💀 所幸的是接受了疗程后都有改善了!
Caden Yeow
Digital Creator

经过几次疗程后,开始发现头发变得更加浓密,生机勃勃!那些稀疏的地方,竟然长出了新的细小毛发,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。PRP疗程不仅拯救了我的头发,更重要的是,它带给了我重新找回自信的机会。再也不用担心脱发带来的尴尬和忧虑了!💪 如果你也正为脱发而烦恼,不妨考虑一下PRP疗程吧!医生会为你量身定制治疗方案,让你重拾浓密的头发。告别头发烦恼吧!💇‍♂
Digital Creator, Actor

去马六甲拍摄前 乘着有空档去了 Premier Clinic 做脸部护理Pico Laser 让肌肤美美哒去开工 #picolaser #asthetics
Loo Aye Keng

终于摆脱了一洗头发,手上就会有一撮一撮的吓人恐怖头发,严重脱发这问题已经困扰我已经有3个月了,我现在的头发还是扁扁的,就因为之前跌太多头发导致而成。 经过了三次的头发护理,hair prp + hair laser 每个月轮流治理,终于完完全全看到很明显的改善,我的头发不再掉发那么多了,而是正常掉发数量🥹 每个月做一次护理就可以了,我做了第三次而已就看到改善了,终于不用看到满地都是我的头发这问题了🥹 我在 Premier Clinic 做的,是医生👩‍⚕️做的,一定要是医生做哦!
Osaka Oyuro
Social Media Influencer

每次染发,做造型真的难免会有掉髮的問題,所以我就向 Premier Clinic 求救了,你肯定有听过脸的PRP ,但是是不是没有听过 Hair PRP 呢?😛我最近都在努力做Hair PRP 以及 HAIR laser 來幫助我頭髮成長!我的医生真的很温柔!真的不會太痛!!!
Lovell Jia
Host, Actress, Content Creator

Some of you might know I have been facing hair fall problems for quite some time now , thus I’ve reached out to @premierclinic_zh for help , alternating hair prp and hair laser to help with hair growth. Hair prp injects nutrients into my scalp and laser helps with the growth. Honestly I was abit worried about the pain from hair PRP , but throughout the whole treatment , the pain was bearable and doctors was very informative in letting me know how this treatment helps with hair growth, you can see videos of the treatments in this post too 😁 Can’t wait to see the results after the whole treatment !
Singer Songwriter, Content Creator

今年四月尝试了冷冻脂肪在lower belly 的部分, 疗程部位会有点酸痛感 (类似黑青的感觉), 大概在疗程后的2个月可以很清楚看到整个肚腩瘦下来了!!!! 接下来的6-7月就开始了onda + wonder 的疗程. 一个是用微波去除脂肪沉积物, 另一个是 muscle sculpting. 疼痛感大概就是运动后的酸痛而已😙但这个比起冷冻脂肪的效果会相对的慢哦~ 认真一句, 我全身上下最难瘦的地方就是肚腩了 它竟然可以帮我瘦到呜呜呜🥹 而且!!! 疗程后不用特别节食, 晚上还可以马上运动哈哈哈 我很快乐🥹
Alicia Chew
Content Creator, Street Interviewer, Podcaster

我终于看到了一丝希望. 最近脱发脱到秃头了,有点太担心🥺看到很多人都在 Premier Clinic 治疗脱发问题,于是前来询问,今天做的是Scalp Laser,它可以激活头皮,跟prp交替做能使头皮继续生发✨
Jeana Yin
Social Media Influencer, Blogger

A great experience with Premier Clinic For the Profhilo tester! Getting some new treats for my skin 😉
Dr Soo WIncci
Celebrity, Miss World Malaysia 2008

Jany Lee 李星仪

身材苗条永远都不是当妈之后的梦😎, 第一次体验了 Premier Clinic 的Fat Freezing Treatment, 轻轻松松就可以和肥肉说byebye Yes啦!期待我的Bikini照吧👙
Jany Lee 李星仪

Getting a toned body or abs in a short period of time is not that easy. Therefore, Wonder Muscle Sculpt Treatment is a new innovative solution to make your slimming process easier and more convenient. With both Focused Electromagnetism and High-Intensity RadioFrequency NeuroStimulation technology, you can work out your abdomen, butt lift enhancement, legs, and arms simultaneously in just 1 session. ✨😍 The process is not painful, the feeling is just the feeling of being electrocuted.
Diorlyna 湘茗
Social Media Influencer

Dr Ben Gee

I won’t be going to @premierclinic_zh alone anymore! 😍Cause for the next few months, my mom will be tagging along as she will be getting her pigmentation treated under @drfoo_wj Let’s look young together forever #earlybirthdaygift
Dr Ben Gee
Cosmetic Dentist

Jordan 盛天俊

这张脸蛋你打几分啊? 你问我爱情是什么?爱情是每天看你开心地笑着,我也会笑着。😊 但如果你问我自己怎样才会开心笑着?我会说看着脸蛋越来越滑嫩,嘴角会不自觉微微上扬。 准备好我的好脸蛋迎接你,你看了也会开心点不是吗?☺️ #感谢PremierClinic帮忙照顾好我的脸蛋 #fractionalco2laser
Jordan 盛天俊

Ramona Zamzam

Making sure my skin looks good with Premier Clinic 🖤 Did PRP treatment and getting instant result as there’s no downtime, I’m ready for rayaaaa!
Ramona Zamzam
Popular Actress / TV Personality

Eling Tang

Completed my first treatment of Wonder muscle, the first & only machine in Msia at Premier Clinic Mont Kiara ✨ Wonder muscle treatment targets to tone up 6 muscles group & 4 areas (arms, abs, thighs & buttocks) at one go in 25 mins only which equal to 3hours of intense workout 😱 it will require a few sessions to see the obvious result!
Eling Tang
Social Media Influencer

Jasper Foo

这照片你们觉得我是在___? 🤔 +1 上班去 +2 约会去 . . . . 上两个星期去 Premier Clinic 做了皮秒激光, 皮肤真的提亮很多毛孔也也小了! 有兴趣的你们也是可以趁年前询问他们😊
Jasper Foo
Social Media Influencer

森竣 Bernard

在成長的過程中我漸漸的覺得, 發自內心的笑真的很不容易, 很多人以為拍戲的時候最難演的是哭戲, 而我認為最難的是-笑得自然。 我要把屬於我的快樂一點點的找回來, 有你真好 Premier Clinic 医学美容诊所 ❤️
森竣 Bernard

Janice Kee

虽然看似很瘦的我,不过还是有顽固的脂肪躲在不显眼的部位😆 生了孩子后也没时间运动 幸运的是让我找到 Premier Clinic 🤩 他们家的 Coolsulpting 脂肪冷冻术能利用-11°c 低温把脂肪细胞消灭, 并通过自然代谢排出来, 从而达到消除局部顽固脂肪的效果😍 非常期待那个效果🤗 如果你们也有和我一样的问题,可以找他们consult了解更多哟! 这里要谢谢Dr David 非常的专业与耐心的解释让我明白整个疗程☺️
Janice Kee
Social Media Influencer

Tahirah Sirat

Semua orang tahu i sangat OCD dgn skin kan? Jerawat ada satu pun emosi 🤣 Tak boleh! So i keep my skin flawless and hydrated woth Premier Clinic. Haritu Tahirah buat 2 treatment sekaligus (Silkpeel & Photomudulation LED). After treatment skin i supple and glowingggg sangat! Btw I request treatment yg tkde downtime sbb i make up hari hari kan, tk sempat nak ada downtown balik tu i terus make up dh sbb ada kerja. Will i repeat? Yes!!!! Thank you again my dearest Premier Clinic ! ✨✨💜🥰
Tahirah Sirat
TV Host at Wowshop

Kerin Sia

The best foundation you can wear is glowing healthy skin ! Thank you Premier Clinic for solving my problems with Pico Laser! 💕
Kerin Sia
Social Media Influencer

Juinnie Thor

I found a solution to solve the most annoying thing in my life, thank you Dr Diyana from Premier Clinic for the great Facial PRP treatment!
Juinnie Thor 塗
Social Media Influencer

Nurul Najwa Najihah

Thank you Premier Clinic for sponsoring me the best face treatment,especially to Dr.Diyana for giving me tbe best experience through out my treatment.To those that is looking for any treatment you can come to Premier Clinic ❤️
Nurul Najwa Najihah
Social Media Influencer

Ramona Zamzam

Guys this Profhilo thing is magic. First treatment terus skin jadi cantik & glow i swear. Ramona upload gambar ni takde filter. Pegi je kat Premier Clinic and ask for it, I promise you won’t regret.
Ramona Zamzam
Popular Actress / TV Personality

Jordan 盛天俊

虽然哥哥看起来像18岁。但去了Premier Clinic 做了Profhilo疗程之后,就永远维持在18岁了。😌😎😎 疗程当中最大的变化就是感觉皮肤水水的,整个脸有被提拉,脸也感觉变得像提拉米苏那么好吃。😜 医生也非常细心呵护了解自身的皮肤状态。👍🏻
Jordan 盛天俊

Fractional laser was very effective for my skin. Premier Clinic staffs are also friendly & nice. I love coming here.
Sean Chong
Famous Singer

Waaaa I didn’t even know laser can be done to reduce neck wrinkles! My skin is tighter after the treatment. Dr Foo is awesome!
阿咪 (Jamie Chu)
Famous Comedian / Actor

My skin immediately become better after 1 Chemical Peel treatment with Premier Clinic. I believe in their treatment!
小薇薇 (Wei Wei)
Local Chinese Singer / Performer

My skin becoming toink-toink-toink after doing treatment with Premier Clinic! Really recommended their service!
何芸妮 (Winnie Ho)
Popular Singer

Rambut saya sudah mula tumbuh di bahagian-bahagian botak dulu lepas buat PRP treatment di Premier Clinic.
Sufi Rashid
Popular Singer

Macam-macam treatment ada di Premier Clinic ni. Service pun memang Premium!
Akim Ahmad
Popular Singer, Actor

Abang fully recommended buat korang yang ada masalah rambut gugur,kepala korang yg dah hampir jadi padang jarak padang terkukur..kulit kusam..kulit muka dah macam kulit kayu dan yg sama waktu dengannya,boleh ler set appointment dengan Doktor Foo yg sempoi ni...tq so much @premierclinickl .
Along Cham
Famous Comedian, Actor

One with my doctor. It’s my third visit already because this place is just amazing. The staff & doctors are friendly and the treatments work perfectly for me hence why I keep coming back❤️ tap to check out their instagram.
Afifah Nasir
Popular Actress

Trip To Premier Clinic Nak review sikit pengalaman Nina dengan @premierclinicttdi baru-baru ni. Nina buat Pico Laser - the latest laser technology dalam aesthetic ni. Very good for your facial rejuvenation. Atau call no ni: +6012-662-5453
Azharina Azhar
Popular Singer, Winner of Multiple Awards

Well when you get to my age, some parts of your anatomy may need a bit of an external boost.⠀⠀ 😅😅😅⠀⠀I heard a lot about @premierclinickl so I dropped by to see the famous Dr Kee Yong Seng and he suggested that I try Radiesse, which is a cosmetic skin treatment used to treat specific areas of the face and hands. It stimulates your body's natural collagen, filling in wrinkles long term and helping your skin develop new collagen in the process.⠀And honestly, it doesn't hurt at all!⠀
Shaarin Razali
Social Media Celebrity

Yo yo yo.... So, hari ni I nak share dengan uols macam mana result #Ultherapy yang I buat bulan lepas. Sekarang I rasa kulit I lebih tegang, lebih firm, and less wrinkly. Nak try treatment ni? Special untuk u gais, @premierclinickl nak bagi FREE Trial worth RM600 untuk siapa-siapa yang like & share video Yasmin ni atau share their own procedure doing Ultherapy with Premier Clinic. Lepas like & share, just call diorang kat +6012-662-5552 untuk arrange your FREE session. Enjoy!
Yasmin Hani
Famous TV Personality

Happy Sunday, my #CHAYANGS ☀️ Stay tuned for a brand new video TONIGHT! x PS// a shout out to @premierclinickl for removing my syringomas! I’m still in the middle of the healing process & hopefully the scars would wear off soon 🙏🏼 Check out their Pico laser & electrocautery services!
Charis Sow
Popular Actress, Singer, TV Personality

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