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Facial Sculpting / Contouring by Non-Surgical Thread Lift


This is a technique that is popular amongst Asians seeking a more oval- or V-shape face which is slimmer and more aesthetically pleasing in appearance. Giving the individual a more youthful look, the slimming of facial features will also leave the skin looking rejuvenated and healthier. Your skin will also become more elastic and smooth after the procedure is complete.


Absorbable PDO (Polydiozanone) threads will be inserted by your doctor into the treatment area for an optimum lifting effect. Nets will be formed between several threads, which promote and stimulates collagen production in your skin, as the tissue slowly absorbed the threads over the next 6 to 8 months. This also reduces signs of aging, while the complexion of your skin will start to improve. After treatment, you should notice the gradual formation of a V- shape while your skin becomes firmer due to the increase in collagen production.


Thread lift is a non-surgical procedure and is an alternative option for individuals who do not want or are concerned about surgery. The results are long term and may last for up to 1-2 years after the procedure is complete. In addition, the effect of lifting and firming caused by the thread lift will be noticeable almost immediately.* No downtime is necessary and you may return to your regular routine after your appointment.


Prior to the thread lift, an anaesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area to numb the skin and minimise any pain or discomfort. Threads will be inserted in the specified area and will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete, depending on the area treated. You will experience a small, prickling sensation similar to acupuncture needling, but it is not painful.

Threads may vary in length and thickness, subject to the treatment area. Shorter threads are generally used to treat fine lines in and around the eye area, while longer threads can fix and lift the neck and jawlines. Thicker threads may also be used as an alternative to other injection treatments, and inserted into the muscles of the forehead. Your doctor will advise you on treatments for specific areas in order for you to get the good results.