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Mesotherapy – Pores


A common occurrence for individuals with oily skin, pores may appear larger than usual due to the skin swelling up; this is often because of a build-up of sebum and dirt which clogs the pores. In addition, skin will slowly lose its elasticity due to natural aging, which means it cannot snap back into place and will sag due to gravity. This stretches out the pores, making them larger. Another cause of enlarged pores is overexposure to the sun as skin will begin to generate additional skin cells to protect itself from the harmful UV rays. These grow on the edges of the pores which stretches it out, making it thicker and larger.


The technique of mesotherapy involves the administering of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and medical grade pharmaceuticals to the upper and middle skin layers. Using microinjections and microscopic quantities of a customised solution, your doctor will carefully place these nutrients into the pre-determined target tissues which will trigger the healing and rejuvenation process. This also creates microchannels in the skin that induce the production of collagen and elastin – two essential building blocks that help to construct and hold skin together. During the treatment, some individuals may experience minor discomfort and a topical anaesthetic may be applied if required.

It is a safe and progressive non-surgical treatment, and is able to assist in the treatment of a variety of skin ailments. Other forms of treatment or products such as creams cannot address the variety of problems that mesotherapy is able to as the solution injected into your skin can be tailored carefully to suit your condition and needs.


There is very little or no downtime associated with mesotherapy, and you may experience mild skin redness but this should subside within 24 hours. Depending on the condition of the large pores on your skin, results may be visible within 2 days but this is highly variable.

Although results last for a considerable amount of time, regular treatments to maintain your appearance are recommended as natural aging cannot be fully countered. Do consult your doctor in order to get a better idea of what to expect as well as a recommended treatment cycle.


Mesotherapy Before After

Mesotherapy Before After

Mesotherapy Before After

Mesotherapy Before After

Mesotherapy Before After

Mesotherapy Before After