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Clatuu Fat Freezing

clatuu 360 degrees fat freeze

CLATUU Fat Freezing is a non-invasive treatment designed to help you get rid of stubborn fat deposits. It utilises an advanced cooling technology called Cryolipolysis, which freezes fats at 9 degrees Celsius for 1 hour per session. CLATUU is suitable for busy people because it is a solution without surgery or downtime.

Clatuu Machine
CLATUU targets stubborn fat deposits that do not reduce in size or disappear even though you practise a healthy lifestyle, with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime. The unwanted fat cells are destroyed by the cold temperature. The body’s natural lymphatic system will break down and remove the dead fat cells safely and naturally.

This non-surgical body shaping technique usually causes no discomfort and no downtime because no surgery is performed. It allows you to return to your normal routine right after treatments. CLATUU is suitable for both men and women.


CLATUU 360° FREEZE is a technology that employs a precisely controlled cooling process, which is targeted at fat cells to destroy them, but has no effect on normal cells. The damaged fat cells are gradually collected and removed from the body. The end result is that fat deposits will shrink significantly in size, but the skin and the surrounding tissue will not be affected.

CLATUU functions by gently drawing fatty areas into the patented 360° applicators, and then cooling the selected area to a low temperature, where the body’s natural ‘apoptosis’ processes are activated. The built-in safety sensors maintain a constant temperature. This prevents unwanted side effects.
clatuu fat freezing process

results after fat freezing for 90 days



Clatuu Target Treatments
The suitable candidate for CLATUU Freezing Fat Away is a person with particular areas of unwanted fat that are very hard to be removed even with regular diet and exercise, and whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is mildly above ideal. The common areas of concern are usually fat bulges such as muffin tops, love handles, fat deposits on the abdomen, upper arms, inner arms, inner thighs, back bulges, outer hips, and others.

However, kindly take note that CLATUU Freezing Fat Away is not a weight loss treatment. It does not replace the benefits of proper diet and exercise, and it does not treat obesity.

Therefore, we recommend that patients who have had CLATUU treatments to practise a healthy diet and exercise programme after their treatment to maximise the treatment benefits.

Call us or WhatsApp us at 012-6625552 for details. We do not charge for Consultation. You may also email us at contactus@premier-clinic.com

Clatuu the best fat freezing treatment