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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Balding / Hair Loss


On average, any one individual can shed around 50-100 hairs daily and this loss of hair is not noticeable. However, excessive hair loss may appear unsightly and could leave bald patches on the head. Hormonal changes, specific medical conditions and aging are also factors that contribute to hair loss, but the most common cause is genetics.

Balding, also known as alopecia, can affect both men and women alike and results in the hair losing its volume. Bald spots may emerge, or hair may be significantly weakened, leading to large clumps falling off when washing or combing. Scalp infection or thyroid issues should also be checked for as these may also contribute to the hair loss.


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a technique where blood is drawn from a patient, similar to a blood test. A machine is then used to separate the blood into platelets, serum and blood cells; these elements are then reintroduced to the body to induce hair regrowth.

The growth factors released by the platelets help to stimulate inactive hair follicles into producing new hairs which replace the falling ones. This helps to combat both hair thinning and balding. It also promotes healing of the skin and your scalp should become much healthier over time due to active production of new tissue.

Depending on the individual, your doctor will consult and recommend a suitable number of sessions in order to get good results.


New hair growth may be expected within 2 months, but results are typically more evident between the 5th to 8th month following treatment. Improvements will continue for up to a year after treatment, after which you may opt for top-up treatments to maintain your appearance.

You may experience minimal swelling and bruising for up to a week after treatment, but this is minor and will subside. Almost no downtime is required and you are able to wash your hair immediately after treatment, but are advised against strenuous activity until the swelling subsides completely. There is very little risk of any side effects as the body’s natural plasma is used in this treatment, making it a safer option than many other methods used to treat hair loss.