We offer from no-downtime to minimal downtime procedures to suit your needs & conditions. The treatments include Laser, Chemical Peel, Skin Booster, Multivitamin Cocktails, PRP and Microdermabrasion.
- Laser – Zap away your scars, pigmentation, acne or tattoo with laser. Improvement in even 1 session.
- Chemical Peel – Deep exfoliating technique that gets rid of excess sebum, making your skin brighter and flawless in every session.
- Skin Booster – Provide your skin with all the nourishments it needs to appear glowing. Result can be seen in 2 weeks.
- PRP – Using the healing properties of your own blood, it fixes & repairs the damaged skin cells and restore skin health by boosting up collagen.
- Multivitamin Cocktails – By injecting Multi-vitamin into the skin, it helps to keep your skin soft, healthy and glowing.
- Microdermabrasion – A simple hydrating and exfoliating technique to get rid of excess sebum, dead skin cells and dirt that causes acne.